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Anraja Trellis with Planter Box

This Anraja Rustic Planter Box with Trellis is the perfect addition to any outdoor space. The raised garden bed is perfect for plants and flowers, and the trellis provides support for climbing plants. The wood construction is durable and weather-resistant, making this planter box a lasting addition to your garden. Read on for more information…

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Decorate your porch, patio or garden.

Looking to bring some life to a lifeless backyard? This 100% Fir Wood planter with trellis is perfect for adding both greenery and charm. Not only will you get to enjoy the beauty of plants and flowers, but you’ll also be doing your part to protect the planet.

This beautiful planter box with trellis is perfect for adding a touch of style and elegance to your garden. The diamond-shaped lattice design is both simple and fashionable, and the dark color brings a charming artistic look to any setting. The box is also very functional, perfect for growing climbing plants or vines.

100% fir wood made products are weather resistant, easy to deform and crack, and have a rust proof galvanized steel hardware.
This trellis with planter is perfect for all kinds of plants, anywhere. The design is easy to assemble and features a sturdy build that will last.
It offers a simple, low-cost way to create an attractive privacy fence. It’s perfect if you have a patio or deck area where you need to add some privacy.
Special mobile layouts for all blocks and statistic extension
It is not the sturdiest trellis if you expect to have to move it often.

Anraja Trellis with Planter Box